Lorenzo Beretta
Hi! I am Lorenzo and I am currently a postdoc at University of California, Santa Cruz hosted by Vaggos Chatziafratis. I recently graduated from BARC, University of Copenhagen, where I was fortunate to be advised by Mikkel Thorup and Mikkel Abrahamsen. During my PhD, I visited Aviad Rubinstein at Stanford and I interned at Google Research, where I worked with Vincent Cohen-Addad, Silvio Lattanzi and Nikos Parotsidis.
Research Interests
I am interested in the design and analysis of algorithms for massive datasets, including sublinear algorithms, approximation algorithms and algorithms for geometric problems.
Sketched Lanczos uncertainty score: a low-memory summary of the Fisher information
Marco Miani, Lorenzo Beretta, Søren Hauberg
NeurIPS 2024 [Code] -
Online sorting and online TSP: randomized, stochastic, and high-dimensional
Mikkel Abrahamsen, Ioana Bercea, Lorenzo Beretta, Jonas Klausen and László Kozma
ESA 2024. -
Approximate Earth Mover’s Distance in Truly-Subquadratic Time
Lorenzo Beretta and Aviad Rubinstein
STOC 2024 -
Multi-Swap k-Means++
Lorenzo Beretta, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Silvio Lattanzi and Nikos Parotsidis
NeurIPS 2023 [Code] -
Locally Uniform Hashing
Ioana Bercea, Lorenzo Beretta, Jonas Klausen, Jakob Bæk Tejs Houen and Mikkel Thorup
FOCS 2023 -
Online Sorting and Translational Packing of Convex Polygons
Anders Aamand, Mikkel Abrahamsen, Lorenzo Beretta and Linda Kleist
SODA 2023 -
Better Sum Estimation via Weighted Sampling
Lorenzo Beretta and Jakub Tetek
SODA 2022, Best Student Paper Award, Invited to HALG 2022 and TALG special issue -
Online Packing to Minimize Area or Perimeter
Mikkel Abrahamsen and Lorenzo Beretta
SoCG 2021 -
An Optimal Algorithm to Find Champions of Tournament Graphs
Lorenzo Beretta, Franco Maria Nardini, Roberto Trani and Rossano Venturini
TKDE (IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)